George W. Brindley Award in Nonmetallic Crystal Chemistry
The purpose of this award is to recognize annually the top academic student in MATSE 400: Crystal Chemistry.
Recipient: Zachary Boring
Michael M. & Mary Jane Coleman Undergraduate Award in Polymer Science and Engineering
The purpose of this award is to recognize annually an undergraduate student enrolled in Materials Science and Engineering for excellence in the Polymers curriculum.
Recipient: Rachel Martin
Robert W. Lindsay Award in Metallurgy
The purpose of this award is to recognize annually an undergraduate student enrolled in the metallurgy curriculum.
Recipient: Christopher DeSalle
David W. Richerson Service Award in Materials Science and Engineering
The purpose of this award is to honor and recognize outstanding service by an undergraduate student majoring in MatSE.
Recipients: Haley Myer
Guy and Rae Rindone Award for Academic Excellence in Materials Science and Engineering
The purpose of this award is to recognize the student with the highest-grade point average in materials science and engineering courses who will graduate in the current academic year.
Recipient: Madeline Vailhe
2021 Undergraduate ReSearch Poster Competition Winners
- First place - Bryant Li - Electrochemical Formation and Stability of Platinum Nanocages from First Principles
- Second place - Christopher DeSelle – Multilayer Nanostructured Nitride Thin Films with Non-Linear Optical Response for Manipulation of High Energy Coherent Beams
- Third place - Mohammed Khan - Predicting photocatalytic water-splitting activity from polyhedral distortions in main-group metal oxides
View Winning Posters